Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bad Behaviour

    At dawn, lying in slush on the edge of a half-frozen frac pond, then again, standing in the middle of the
highway trying to get a tanker-truck at first light...i realized there were three things that prompt my bad behavior  and, Desire was sparking them all.
    Desire for sex can cause bad behavior...
Desire for experiencing altered perceptions of reality...ditto.
Yet its the Desire for a Shot  that puts me in the most danger.

    First, there's that danger of being shot, which out here on the perimeter, exists for chronic trespassers
who like to take pictures of off-limits oil production machinery, and other people's out-houses.
Then, theres that danger of being arrested.  So far so good, but I've met four officers in eight months..
and it nearly always ruins the shot.
    After that comes physical danger , the precarious balancing, the hovering over icy ponds, standing in the middle of semi-infested highways  trudging over rattle-snake dens and wild-boar nests..
None of it matters when you're after that shot. You're in the Zone...the light is perfect...you feel that tugging of rationality..Stop! it says...but you push it to the side, and go for Awesome.
and don't even think about judging yourself for those extra-special times when you'd altered reality,  the light was just perfect, and you were horny...